3rd party integrations

Expand Mavenseed with tools you already use.

Integrate with your other platforms and expand your reach, help you manage customer support, and to automate your systems.

mailchimp integration


Go beyond just adding emails to a newsletter list. Mavenseed features built-in Mailchimp integrations to segment your customers.

When someone subscribes or cancels, we'll keep your Mailchimp segments in sync. You can also add and remove tags at anytime.


When a course is sold, or a customer is created, we cand send this information over to Zapier with all kinds of important information about the sale or customer.

Leverage Zapier to automate tasks like adding users to a spreadsheet on Google, or updating a list on another site!

zapier integration

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Sell an e-book, build a 100k subscriber community, or sell merch.

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